ULTRASOUND SYSTEM to protect crops from deer and other wild mammals


In collaboartion with:

  • U-Socic (JP)
  • YsTrading (JP)
  • Pojer and Sandri  wine grower (Faedo TN, Italy)


Caused the increasing deers devastations inside the cultivated fields, Agro Electronics has provided a solution to contrast them.
The ultrasound system uses a proximity sensor to detect the animal and once it's close enough, the system emits an ultrasound, the high frequency scared the animals and keep the vine free and untouched.

Test performed and achieved results

We started with first innovative trials to protect vineyards from frequent attacks by ungulates. We used a specie's specific ultrasound to create a virtual barrier in the field. 


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All tests carried out gave excellent results. Go to the video gallery showing the deterrent effects on animals 👉🏼 ultra1
Achieved results and Trials 2022

Logistical difficulties due to the pandemic and the well-known difficulties in procuring electronic components have prevented us from carrying out all the tests planned for 2021. We will update you during the course of the season... Stay tuned!


Ultrasound Barriers Trials 2021

Based on the excellent results obtained, our system has been customized for specific use in the vineyard, to proceed with dosage tests. We will update you during the season... Stay tuned! 

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    Business unit of CBC Europe that deals with research and development of technological solutions to respond to the

    Our staff, dedicated to AGRO electronics products, offers a full range of support services.

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